2011 - The end of 2010. The beginning of a new era. Feels apt to be reflecting on the year that has been rather monumental.
2010 marked the beginning of many Firsts -
- First time at the Full Moon Party
- First time snorkelling
- First time visiting the families of Carpets for Communities
- First sunrise (in Angkor Wat)
- First medication class
- First house break-in
- First CNY in Australia with new-found family
- First official 5km run
- First family gathering in America
- First hangout in New York
- First time organising a Short Film Festival
- First Community of Like Minded Ppl meeting
- First all girls roadtrip
- First time doing the Landmark Advanced Course
- First time passing all 5 exams of my Chartered Accountant program
- First time running a Fair Trade uni stall with Blessed Life Nepal
- First time meeting the guys from Gone Cyclin'
- First Trampoline, First Pecha Kucha
- First Heroes blog
- First wedding in the family
It's very easy sometimes, that you race through life, ticking the boxes and forgot the people in it. The tuk tuk driver who gets your money back when he sees his fellow countrymen taking advantage of tourists, the owner of a cafe that promotes vegetarian food and community development initiatives who teaches you meditation, the boss that gets you up and running nearly everyday (literally), the friend who constantly works towards a bigger dream and never gives up and pulls you along with their energy, the people with the great ideas who pull it apart into the simple steps that make it happen, the postman who blows you kisses everyday, the taxi drivers who are racing home to have dinner with their family, the bus drivers who said the bus is just for you when it's empty, the parents who never stop believing in you even though they might not necessarily agree with what you do...
HERO is a big word. One which not many people associate themselves with. One which people tend to shy away from. Official definition of Hero is a man/woman of courage, nobility and strength. To me, a HERO is a person who makes the most of his/her day, who performs each tasks & duties with the sincerest of hearts, who puts a smile on other's faces through whatever means & circumstances, who remembers and cares for others; friends, families & strangers.. It usually takes an unusual situation to bring out the Hero in us, but sometimes if we look, there are Heroes all around us!
Here's to the many many more heroes I'll meet and be sharing with all of you in 2011 who will continue to touch, move & inspire me!
I leave you with a collage of the things that signify my childhood, things that may be left in a corner, untouched, unmoved, but certainly unforgotten..